The Formation of Haggate Baptist Chapel
Please Note: Although this booklet is available from the Society, it is not a Society publication.
The Formation of Haggate Baptist Chapel, connections with the Inghamites and other Baptist Connections. Written by Rex Watson.
This booklet is available from Burnley Library, the Pendle Heritage Centre at Barrowford and from John Bentley of The Briercliffe Society. Priced at £3, it's a bargain.
Alternatively, it is available direct from the author for £3.50 (inc. P&P). Payment by cheque only. Write to:-
Rex Watson, 29 Woodland Rd, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3DT.
If you have any questions for Rex, please contact me using the contact page and I will forward your query to him or write to him at the above address.
Since writing the original booklet, Rex has found more information and has recorded this in a supplement. The supplement is available to download here. Please feel free to print this supplement and insert it into your copy of the booklet. You should be able to print in either 'A5' or book form. Alternatively, please contact Rex for a copy free of charge. P&P may apply. Haggate Baptist Chapel Supplement >>