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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:57 am 
Spider Lady
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As you know, I did a DNA test for Christmas last year in the hope of breaking down my Irish brick wall. This was the sole reason. Little did I know I would discover a whole new branch of my Nans family.

Nan, a Sutcliffe, was born in Briercliffe. She was one of six. Or so we thought. Back in 1965, Nans sister in law told my mum that Nans dad had a child with another woman after Nans mum died. Nan had even been to see this baby but never spoke of it. Mum never dared ask Nan about it sadly. I queried it with mums cousins, even the step grandchildren of the sister in law that first told mum. None of them had heard about it so it was only ever a rumour.
We had no idea of the sex, assumed it was born in Blackpool as that was where they lived and that it would be after 1921 when Nans mum died. And what were the chances that he would be named as dad on the birth certificate of an illegitimate child that the family quite obviously disowned?

Fast forward to 2020 and I get DNA results. I have 4 2nd cousin matches. 2 I knew. 2 I didn't. I contacted the 2 I didn't know, one still hasn't replied but then she hasn't visited Ancestry for over 6 months. The other did (J) but told me she hadn't really done her tree and couldn't tell me who might be our common ancestor or even a surname. Then in the 4th cousin matches, I spotted someone with the same surname as J so I contacted her. She turned out to be the daughter of J and told me that J had in fact been adopted and that J's mum was thought to be called sutcliffe. Bingo! She connects on my mums maternal line. After a few emails, contact with a 3rd cousin DNA match, and a very lengthy wait for a birth certificate, the rumour was proved true. My gt granddad had a daughter (G) with a woman who lived a few streets away and even had his name and address on the birth certificate. It would seem his contact ended there.

I am now in contact with two of G's daughters and 3 of her granddaughters. It turns out, G was not a very nice woman. She took off with a married man, had 4 children that we are currently aware of and put 3 of them out for adoption. The 4th adoption fell through so she reluctantly kept the baby. We believe there may be another 2 children but haven't yet tracked them down. After the father of these 4 (or 6?) died, she married someone else and had another 3 children that she kept along with the children from the husbands first marriage.

It's been quite a rollercoaster of emotions for them and my mum, who is their 1st cousin but it's also been quite exciting to chat with family we never knew existed. It must be so difficult for J and her sister, they found each other 20 years ago but only found the children of their other 2 siblings this year. The siblings passed away a few years ago.

I wonder if I will ever break down that Irish wall?


Searching for lost relatives? Win the Lottery!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:36 pm 
Computer Whizz
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Crikey Mel, it’s like something of Long Lost Families.


I'd be dangerous with a brain.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:46 pm
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Fascinating, Mel.

Mind you, if I come across someone who says they are about to start their family history, or would like to (and I sometimes help friends), I warn that they might discover something they would rather not ! That applies with or without dna.

I also warn that family history can be expensive, in time and money !

Still less harmful than being a Burnley fan.....


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:02 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:27 pm
Posts: 21
Hi Mel,

That's a great result and a great story.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:54 am 
Spider Lady
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An update to this story - there was suspicion of another 2 children - one of them has turned up in the last month or so in my DNA matches. Also adopted out by her birth mum. Early days of contact but she lives not far from J! The 3 living sisters are all in contact and arranging to meet up.
One more to discover!


Searching for lost relatives? Win the Lottery!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 9:39 am 
Computer Whizz
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Wow, this is brilliant, it should be a tv programme.


I'd be dangerous with a brain.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:37 am 
Spider Lady
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Makes for a great story but I'm not sure that the daughters would want it aired - there are mixed emotions between them.


Searching for lost relatives? Win the Lottery!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:13 am 
Computer Whizz
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Quite understandably I suppose.


I'd be dangerous with a brain.

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