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Author:  Burnleymasher [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Abstinence.

Disease may oft be cured by abstinence from all food, especially if the disorder have been procured by luxurious living and repletion. The latter overtaxes nature, and it rebels against such treatment. Indigestion, giddiness, headache, mental depression, etc, are often the effects of greediness in meat and drink. Omitting one, two, or three meals, allows the system to rest, to regain strength, and allows the clogged organs to dispose of their burdens. The practice of drug taking (to cleans the stomach) though it may give the needed relief, always weakens the system, while abstinence secures the good result, and yet does no injury.
Said a young gentleman to a distinguished physician "Doctor, what do you do for yourself when you have headache, or other slight attack?" "Go without my dinner," was the reply. "Well, what if that will not do, how do you proceed then?" "Go without my supper," was the answer. "But if that does not cure you, what then?" "Go without my breakfast." We physicians seldom take medicines ourselves or use them in our families, for we known that starving is better, but we cannot make our patients believe it."
Hippocrates (the father of medicine) said wisely, that if a man eats sparingly and drinks little, he is nearly certain of bringing no disease upon himself, and that a moderate supply of food nourishes the body best. The quantity of food which nature really requires for her support is small, and he that eats and drinks moderately at each meal, stands fair to enjoy sprightliness, vivacity, and freedom of spirits. Bodies governed by temperance and regularity are rarely hurt by melancholy, or any other affection of the mind. To have a clear head we must have a clean stomach; for this is the grand reservoir in which the food is first deposited, and thence its nutritive power is distributed throughout all parts of the body.
Let this be a lesson to us all eh! :) Stephanie.

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