Kris and I went to St John's last year. There was all kinds of work going on but we were not sure what. I have found this notice on the LFHHS website giving information -
The following advertisement appeared in the December 1st, 2006 issue of the Nelson Leader This is to give notice that the following work is to be carried out at St John's Churchyard, Great Marsden, on Barkerhouse Road, Nelson, Lancashire.
Removal of all kerbstones on graves to enable land to be levelled and re-seeded with a low maintenance grass seed. There is no time limit on this work which will continue as elimination of the Japanese Knotweed permits.
Any objections to this work should be sent in writing to The Secretary, 18 Ridgeway, Wheatley Springs, Barrowford, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8QP by Friday, 12th January, 2007
_________________ Mel
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